Java Serializable 继承
在实际开发的过程中, extends
和 implements
都是比较常见的,那么 Serialization 的表现又如何呢?
我们构造一个高级用户,它将继承 基础篇 的 User
public class AdvancedUser extends User {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L ;
String [] perms ;
public String toString () {
return String . format ( "{ id:%d, nickname:%s, password:%s, age:%d, gender:%d, perms:%s }" ,
id , nickname , password , age , gender , perms == null ? "[]" : Arrays . asList ( perms ));
public void deserialize ( String fileName ) throws IOException ,
ClassNotFoundException {
Path p = Paths . get ( "sers" , fileName );
File f = p . toFile ();
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream ( f );
try ( ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream ( fis )) {
AdvancedUser readed = ( AdvancedUser ) ois . readObject ();
this . id = readed . id ;
this . nickname = readed . nickname ;
this . password = readed . password ;
this . age = readed . age ;
this . gender = readed . gender ;
this . perms = readed . perms ;
public static void main ( String [] args ) throws ClassNotFoundException ,
IOException {
AdvancedUser ad = new AdvancedUser ();
ad . id = 2 ;
ad . nickname = "li4" ;
ad . password = "456" ;
ad . age = 2 ;
ad . gender = 2 ;
ad . perms = new String [] { "1" , "2" , "3" };
ad . serialize ( "aduser.ser" );
ad . deserialize ( "aduser.ser" );
System . out . println ( ad );
除了添加了额外的 perms 属性之外, AdvancedUser 还将拥有自己的 deserialize
方法,主要是为了能解析 readObject
返回的额外属性。运行 main 方法查看结果
{ id:2, nickname:li4, password:456, age:2, gender:2, perms:[1, 2, 3] }
可以看出 Serializable 接口和其他接口无异,对子类同样有效。现在,我们来对换下角色,把 Serializable 交给子类来实现看看会发生什么。
DumbUser & NonDumbUser
class DumbUser {
int id ;
String nickname ;
String password ;
public String toString () {
return String . format ( "{ id:%d, nickname:%s, password:%s }" ,
id , nickname , password );
public class NonDumbUser extends DumbUser implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L ;
String words ;
public void serialize ( String fileName ) throws IOException {
Path p = Paths . get ( "sers" , fileName );
File f = p . toFile ();
f . createNewFile ();
try ( FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ( f );
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream ( fos )) {
oos . writeObject ( this );
public void deserialize ( String fileName ) throws IOException ,
ClassNotFoundException {
Path p = Paths . get ( "sers" , fileName );
File f = p . toFile ();
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream ( f );
try ( ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream ( fis )) {
NonDumbUser readed = ( NonDumbUser ) ois . readObject ();
this . id = readed . id ;
this . nickname = readed . nickname ;
this . password = readed . password ;
this . words = readed . words ;
public String toString () {
return String . format ( "{ id:%d, nickname:%s, password:%s, words:%s }" ,
id , nickname , password , words );
public static void main ( String [] args ) throws IOException ,
ClassNotFoundException {
NonDumbUser u = new NonDumbUser ();
u . id = 1 ;
u . nickname = "Lee" ;
u . password = "123" ;
u . words = "imcool" ;
// 序列化
u . serialize ( "inher.user.ser" );
// 反序列化
u . deserialize ( "inher.user.ser" );
System . out . println ( u );
{ id:0, nickname:null, password:null, words:imcool }
Oops,由于父类并没有实现 Serializable 接口,导致父类的数据在序列化的过程中丢失了。因此我们得到一条最佳实践原则:尽可能在父类上实现 Serializable 接口,在各个子类中去定制序列化。
顺带一提,由于 serialVersionUID 是 private 的,所以每个子类都需要显示的声明各自的 versionUID 以保证兼容性。
For serializable objects, the readObjectNoData method allows a class to control the initialization of its own fields in the event that a subclass instance is deserialized and the serialization stream does not list the class in question as a superclass of the deserialized object.
翻译过来,简单地说就是在反序列化的时候控制域的初始化,有点像 Class 构造一实例的时候的“清理”工作。还有就是在一个极端的情况下:例如有 Animal 和 Cat 两个类,原本一开始的时候这两个类是独立的,并没有继承关系。
class Animal implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L ;
boolean alive ;
public class Cat implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L ;
boolean playingCute ;
public void serialize ( String fileName ) throws IOException {
Path p = Paths . get ( "sers" , fileName );
File f = p . toFile ();
f . createNewFile ();
try ( FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ( f );
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream ( fos )) {
oos . writeObject ( this );
public void deserialize ( String fileName ) throws IOException , ClassNotFoundException {
Path p = Paths . get ( "sers" , fileName );
File f = p . toFile ();
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream ( f );
try ( ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream ( fis )) {
Cat readed = ( Cat ) ois . readObject ();
this . playingCute = readed . playingCute ;
public String toString () {
return String . format ( "{ playingCute:%b }" , playingCute );
public static void main ( String [] args ) throws IOException , ClassNotFoundException {
Cat c = new Cat ();
c . playingCute = true ;
c . serialize ( "cat.ser" );
c . deserialize ( "cat.ser" );
System . out . println ( c );
{ playingCute:true }
然后后来的某一天,你希望 Cat 集成 Animal ,那么在反序列化的时候,历史代码产生的 .ser 文件对新代码的影响会是什么样呢?
class Animal implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L ;
boolean alive ;
private void readObjectNoData () throws ObjectStreamException {
this . alive = true ;
public class Cat extends Animal implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L ;
boolean playingCute ;
public void serialize ( String fileName ) throws IOException {
Path p = Paths . get ( "sers" , fileName );
File f = p . toFile ();
f . createNewFile ();
try ( FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ( f );
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream ( fos )) {
oos . writeObject ( this );
public void deserialize ( String fileName ) throws IOException , ClassNotFoundException {
Path p = Paths . get ( "sers" , fileName );
File f = p . toFile ();
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream ( f );
try ( ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream ( fis )) {
Cat readed = ( Cat ) ois . readObject ();
this . alive = readed . alive ;
this . playingCute = readed . playingCute ;
public String toString () {
return String . format ( "{ alive:%b, playingCute:%b }" , alive , playingCute );
public static void main ( String [] args ) throws IOException , ClassNotFoundException {
Cat c = new Cat ();
c . deserialize ( "cat.ser" );
System . out . println ( c );
尝试反序列化老的 .ser 文件:得到的结果如下:
{ alive:true, playingCute:true }
注意 alive 的值。
程序没有抛出异常,但是站在序列化(数据)的角度,老版本的 Cat 在序列化的时候没有父类 Animal 相关的数据,而在新版本的 Cat 在 readObjec 的时候确期望它出现。Java 此时会认为这一份 Cat 的序列化数据被破坏了。但是任然可以帮你反序列化,尽管结果可能不如你意。
有没有补救的办法呢?答案就是 readObjectNoData 。
我们在新版本的 Animal 中实现了这个方法,结果就是在当前这种数据丢失的情况下的反序列化过程中, Java 调用了它。导致你看到的 alive 值为 true。
打开之前生成的 .ser 文件,以 User 为例:
不难看到所有的 non-static 和 non-transient 的 field 通通都参与了进来,如文档所说,是 Object Graph 转换为字节流的过程。
Java 真正的序列化实现,交给了 和。看看 defaultReadObject 的实现:
public void defaultReadObject ()
throws IOException , ClassNotFoundException
SerialCallbackContext ctx = curContext ;
if ( ctx == null ) {
throw new NotActiveException ( "not in call to readObject" );
Object curObj = ctx . getObj ();
ObjectStreamClass curDesc = ctx . getDesc ();
bin . setBlockDataMode ( false );
defaultReadFields ( curObj , curDesc ); // 调用默认的反序列化所有域
bin . setBlockDataMode ( true );
if (! curDesc . hasWriteObjectData ()) {
* Fix for 4360508: since stream does not contain terminating
* TC_ENDBLOCKDATA tag, set flag so that reading code elsewhere
* knows to simulate end-of-custom-data behavior.
defaultDataEnd = true ;
ClassNotFoundException ex = handles . lookupException ( passHandle );
if ( ex != null ) {
throw ex ;